What Does Yoni Mean? It’s Important For Women To Know

4 min readJan 9, 2019


What does Yoni mean and why is it important for women to know the meaning? It’s important for men to know the meaning too however it’s up to you, as women, to first embrace your Yoni.

In this article, I’ll share with you the importance of Yoni and also give you the male counterpart.

The Definition of Yoni -

Yoni is the Sanskrit word for female genitalia. The word Yoni translated means “Sacred Space.” This is a term used to bring more honor and reverence to a woman’s womb and genitalia.

The Importance of the Word Yoni

Is the word Yoni new to you? This word is important for every woman to know. When I refer to a woman’s genitalia or female anatomy I always use the word Yoni.

Because Yoni means “Sacred Space” it’s a word that’s absolutely lovely! And depicts how women should hold their female anatomy… in high regard. It’s neither nasty nor clinical. It sounds normal, natural and most of all the definition of it is honoring to your female genitalia.

This word can be spoken publicly without a negative connotation attached to it, quite the contrary, especially if the meaning is known. I would like to encourage you to use the word Yoni when referring to your female parts. Simply making this one change will help you to honor and love your feminine side.

When you use the word Yoni it refers to the whole of your female anatomy. Words are powerful. Using this word helps you to claim the whole your femininity as sacred.

What Does Yoni Mean For YOU?

What type of relationship do you have with your female genitalia? Take a moment to think about it. Our culture is saturated with sexual shame. And women have often been the target and scapegoat for the sexual shame that exists in our culture.

To claim your power is not to be like a man. It’s really to own the sacredness of who you are as a woman. And really knowing deep inside (literally) that you hold something very healing, mystical, and sacred between your legs. The fact that women give birth to a whole new human being shows the power that’s held within us.

What does Yoni mean can become more clear when you embrace the word and start using it in your day to day vocabulary. When talking about your female anatomy (and I suggest you do that regularly) use the word Yoni. Don’t keep her hidden or shamed. Make her an important part of your life.

Refer to “her” as something special and precious.

Your Yoni is not to be taken casually or put in the background… especially in your intimate relationship. Your Yoni should be upfront and center stage in your intimate relationship.

I want to encourage you to hold your Yoni in reverence. Give her kind regard. Start noticing your actions and behaviors of how you treat “her.”

I think our society is taking a long time to learn that and my teachings are all about embodying this sacredness of our womanhood. And it starts with you claiming the sacredness of the deepest part of you… your Yoni.

Men play a part also. They too have a beautiful name for their genitalia.

The Masculine Counterpart to Yoni

What does Yoni mean becomes very important because as you claim the sacredness of your female anatomy you’ll attract in a more conscious lover. And the reason is that he’ll have a Lingam.

What does lingam mean?

Lingam is the Sanskrit word for male genitalia. Translated it means Wand of Light.

And a wand of light is exactly what women need in order to awaken their divine feminine and creative healing force onto the planet. Women are literally putting up with unconscious lovers. And it’s affecting our ability to evolve.

Unfortunately, what women have had more of are swords instead of wands of light. A sword that has raped, pillaged, impregnated and abandoned. We carry this historical memory in the tissues of our Yoni. As women claim their sacred space we’ll see a different world. As we empower our younger women we empower the world.

Attract A Wand of Light

Your sexuality creates your reality. When you hold your sexuality as sacred and have more discernment with how you express it you’ll become more empowered. This is the work we all, both men and women, need to be doing however statistics show that when you empower women you empower the whole community.

So women, claim your sacred space. Learn how to use your feminine energy to connect with a man in an empowering way. And when you do you’ll attract to you a man with a Wand of Light…. a magical mystical healing device.

Are you ready to attract a man with a wand of light?

What resonated most with you in this article and why? Leave a comment below and let me know. Thousands of other women come to my blogs each week for inspiration and wisdom. Your comment may provide support to someone else. And help them shift the type of attitude they have about their sexuality.

Thank you for your courage to add your perspective. Please share this post with other women you love.

I’m Anna-Thea, an author and Divine Feminine Educator. Do you want to claim your Yoni and have a more sacred relationship with your body and your sexuality? Check out the free Yoni egg class below.

Click link below

Education for Feminine Health & Sexual Well-being

Free Class Here https://annathea.org/yoni-egg-classes

This article was originally published on my website at: https://annathea.org/
If you would like to see the original article please visit: https://annathea.org/what-does-yoni-mean




Anna-Thea is an author and Divine Feminine Educator. She offers online education to awaken your divine feminine self.