Uplifting Short Self Love Quotes

4 min readJul 25, 2018


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Short Self Love Quotes To Uplift You

Want to up your self-love? Here are some short self love quotes to help you remember that you matter and that you are loved. And that the person who is in charge of loving you in YOU.

I’m here to support you in cultivating that deeper sense of self-love. Without it, it’s easy to get discouraged. No one is going to take care of you unless you do first. You have to lead the way!

Enjoy these quotes and let them uplift you.

“True Love is an Inside Job”

“Self-Love is Not Selfish… It is Self-Full”

“Be the Beloved You Have Always Wanted to Have”

“You Can’t Truly Love Another Without First Loving You”

“No Matter What Age, Shape or Size You Are Always Lovable”

“The Love of Your Life is Waiting For You… inside Your Heart”

“The One You Need To Love Most Is The Person in The Mirror”

“Seeking Love Outside Your Can Leave You Feeling Empty Inside”

“Getting To Know, Love and Appreciate Yourself is a Worthy Cause”

“Remember… You Are Perfect Whole & Complete Just The Way You Are”

“Self-Love Is The Foundation For an Amazing Relationship with Another”

I love this self-love quote from Oprah

“You must be fearless enough to give yourself the love you did not receive.”

If there is a woman who has shown the world the power of self-love it’s Oprah. She has shown that you don’t have to be blonde and beautiful to be successful. I am sure she has had to cultivate a tremendous amount of self-love on her journey to success. And has done it!

Oprah Winfrey is an amazing woman who demonstrates the power of authenticity and self-love. She has to have been angelically guided every step of the way. Because she has made such a tremendous impact on so many people but especially to all women of the world.

Remember self-love is an inside job. Nobody can give you the love you are looking for. And many of us, especially those with difficult childhoods, need to commit to a life of self-love cultivation.

When You’re Feeling Down Remember to be Gentle with Yourself

It’s not Love that needs Love.. it’s the darkness that needs your love. So give the dark parts of you more love. Take care of yourself by upping self-nurturing practices when you’re down. Don’t run from the dark… surround it in your love.

Learn how to take care of yourself emotionally. It’s so important especially in this all too often harsh world. It’s a paradox… we need each other AND you are all you’ve got. So love yourself!

Now is the time for us as women to claim our divine feminine energy. As you awaken, honor and love your feminine side you will automatically make a positive impact in the world. And the world needs that.

I hope you enjoyed these short self love quotes. I’m Anna-Thea an author and Divine Feminine Educator. If this article and the short self love quotes resonated with you and you’d like to up your self-love check out my online courses.

This article was originally published on my website https://annathea.org/

You can see the original article at https://annathea.org/short-self-love-quotes




Written by Anna-Thea

Anna-Thea is an author and Divine Feminine Educator. She offers online education to awaken your divine feminine self.

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