The Yoni Egg & Your Feminine Health

4 min readDec 19, 2018


A Tool To Create Better Feminine Health

Yoni egg benefits and your feminine health. To me, it’s amazing women have any health in that area of their body at all with everything we’ve have been through. The feminine part of us and “her” health can definitely be assisted with the use of the yoni egg. The yoni egg benefits your health in many ways. In this article, I will introduce you to the many benefits. Benefits I have also personally experienced.

Liberate and Lighten Up Your Yoni!

The yoni egg benefits your health as a woman in many ways. I’ve been wearing my crystal egg for over 12 years. I love that my vagina has been wrapped around beautiful crystal healing energy for years. Just think about that. It’s a pretty amazing opportunity we have as women. Wearing a crystal inside of us.

Historically, many women’s vaginas have been wrapped in darkness and shame for way too long. And women have suffered. You know, the suffragettes… that was only 100 years ago. Yes, we have come a long way baby, however, we have so much further to go.

Imagine the Yoni Egg liberating you. And you cultivating a deeper sense of connection to your femininity in the process!

You might wonder what I mean by that. If you’re not familiar with the Yoni Egg it’s a crystal egg, often Jade or Rose Quartz that you put in your vagina. It can also be an egg of a different crystal as well. This is an ancient Taoist practice that the concubines would do to stay sexually healthy and fit for the Chinese Emperor. I believe they had a greater understanding of sexual energetics and wanted to keep their female parts not just fit but also free from congested energy.

Claim Your Yoni Queendom

The Yoni Egg, when used in a spiritual way, goes much further than having your feminine parts “fit for a King” As a matter of fact, in my humble opinion, the Yoni Egg is more about claiming YOUR Yoni Queendom! It can be your best friend for doing that. And there are many other Yoni Egg benefits.

If you’re not familiar with the Yoni Egg it’s something, as a woman, you definitely need to know about and explore. If you do already know about it and are using an egg I encourage you to not only use it in a physical way but also know how to do implement the spiritual aspects of using it.

The yoni egg practice has more recently become popular. And in it’s new found popularity mainstream doctors have come forward challenging its validity and even saying it’s dangerous. Find out the real deal from my own teacher Saida. But don’t let fear keep you from the profound feminine benefits that come from using the yoni egg.

The Yoni Egg Benefits Feminine Health In Many Ways

Yoni Egg Benefits include:

  • Increasing Blood Flow to your reproductive organs.
  • Increasing orgasmic responsiveness by toning the muscles responsible for orgasmic contractions.
  • Yoni Eggs are commonly jade or rose quartz. Crystals have healing properties. These healing properties placed at the root of your body bring this energy to the core of your being.
  • Helps you have a deeper relationship with your Yoni. Sometimes your egg wants to be inside you and other times she doesn’t. Since you’re an “innie” you would otherwise not have this extra way of knowing what’s going on with your female parts. I call this greater Yoni Awareness.
  • Enhances your orgasmic response by toning the muscles involved in orgasmic contractions.

There is so much to learn about yoni egg benefits. This is only an introduction. Deeper yoni egg practices are available.

In conclusion, this is a tool to enhance your feminine health, not only by strengthening and toning the muscles responsible for orgasm but also by bringing crystalline healing energy to that part of your body. In addition, using the egg helps you to know more about what’s going on “down there.”

These are all general yoni egg benefits and what it can do for you. There are even more ways the yoni egg can change your life. This is only the beginning of what’s possible when you bring greater awareness to your female anatomy.

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Thanks so much for being here and for offering your perspective. They are important. Please share this post with other women you love.

I’m Anna-Thea, an author and Divine Feminine Educator for women’s empowerment. If this article resonated with you and you would like to learn more make sure you check out my free jade egg class. If you would like to purchase a yoni egg check out my products page.

Much love,


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Written by Anna-Thea

Anna-Thea is an author and Divine Feminine Educator. She offers online education to awaken your divine feminine self.

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