The Divine Feminine, though becoming more familiar to many, is very elusive in our society. She is hidden away, probably afraid to make her full debut.
She has not had a safe place to fully express herself in our more masculine-oriented world. The fact that she has been hidden away, not fully expressed and even repressed is why so many don’t know what the Divine Feminine Means.
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The Divine Feminine — What Does it Mean?
The Divine Feminine is sacred, sensual and often beyond the realm of day to day living. It is also the positive expression of the feminine side of us that exists in both men and women.
We all, both men and women, have a masculine side and feminine side to us. What I am talking about is not male or female per se but rather the feminine and masculine energies expressed in all of us. Think of having both masculine aspects to your personality and feminine aspects to your personality.
Masculine Aspects are:
- Focused
- Driven
- Logical
- Rigid and Stable
- Problem Solving
- “Doing”
Feminine Aspects are:
- Nurturing
- Intuitive
- Fluid and Flexible
- Receptive
- Gentle
- “Being”
Some people have an abundance of masculine energy to their personality. Others may have more feminine qualities to their personality. Women, in general, due to both biological and social conditioning often express more feminine qualities. Though this is not always the case. Similarly, men, in general, due to both biological and social conditioning often express more masculine qualities. And again, this is not always the case.
Similarly, men, in general, due to both biological and social conditioning often express more masculine qualities. And again, this is not always the case.
An abundance of Masculine Expressed Qualities
Regardless of whether you are male or female or any shades of gray in between, the fact remains that our culture has an abundance of masculine expressed qualities. We live in a masculine-oriented world. One that is more driven to get things done and make things happen. A way of life that doesn’t slow down. Where bigger is better. A culture that values material accomplishment where people are measured by what they own instead of who they are. Or who you are is valued only when you have letters behind your name such as MD,
We live in a masculine-oriented world. One that is more driven to get things done and make things happen. A way of life that doesn’t slow down. Where bigger is better. A culture that values material accomplishment where people are measured by what they own instead of who they are. Or who you are is valued only when you have letters behind your name such as MD,
A culture that values material accomplishment where people are measured by what they own instead of who they are. Or who you are is valued only when you have letters behind your name such as MD, Ph.D. and so on.
The Divine Feminine Has Been Lost
It is difficult to know what the Divine Feminine means because very few people have experienced it. We have lost our connection to the Divine Feminine. We have forgotten what it means to live by Divine Feminine principles. Living in a fast-paced world has disconnected us from the concepts of receptivity and presence, life as sacred, loving kindness, self-nurturing and allowing things to just “be.” All of which
We have forgotten what it means to live by Divine Feminine principles. Living in a fast-paced world has disconnected us from the concepts of receptivity and presence, life as sacred, loving kindness, self-nurturing and allowing things to just “be.” All of which are Divine Feminine qualities. We have precious little time to invite the Divine Feminine. In fact, we will not encounter the Divine Feminine until we return to the place we first met her: THE FEMALE BODY.
We have precious little time to invite the Divine Feminine. In fact, we will not encounter the Divine Feminine until we return to the place we first met her: THE FEMALE BODY.
Yes! Your female body supports the presence of the Divine Feminine. When you honor, love and respect your body you will witness a return of the Divine Feminine within you.
Revealing Your Divine Feminine
When you think of your body as a sacred temple of the divine, no matter what age, shape or size you are the Divine Feminine within you will be revealed.
When you hold all relationships as sacred including the one you have with you, the Divine Feminine will be awakened within you.
She will come out of hiding when you recognize and honor “her” essence within you. You will no longer ask yourself what does Divine Feminine mean because you will have experienced “her” being expressed in your life, in your relationships, and in your body.
The problem is, that precious part of you, that wants to come out of hiding, has been gobbled up by “The Image of Woman” in our society.
The Essence of The Divine Feminine
The Divine Feminine essence within you has nothing to do with what our culture defines and says a woman should be.
We have turned things around and upside down. Our values have become distorted. We have lost our way. Even if you don’t buy into these values, they are consciously and unconsciously expressed in our world. There is a pressure to conform.
A woman should…
- Have a perfect body
- Never Age
- Look “Pretty”
- Have her emotions in check
I want you to know, what it means to connect to your Divine Feminine essence. It is that part of you that is wild, free and sensually expressive. It’s that part of you that is uninhibited yet wise. It is that part of you that is filled with gratitude because you realize how sacred life is.
Stop Buying into Societies Definition of Woman
In order to understand what the Divine Feminine means you have to release old belief systems, let go of cultural conditioning and tap into the beauty, grace, and uniqueness of YOU.
Your Divine Feminine essence is going to express itself different than another woman. There is no such thing as One Size Fits All. The Divine Feminine within you knows you are a unique and important part of the whole.
What this means is stop being anyone else other than you. No one can be you better than you. Don’t be a poser or imposter conforming to societal norms. Especially the norms that keep you confined and insecure as a woman. Come out of your box. Allow yourself to celebrate your female body. Connect to your playfulness, sensuality and erotic innocence.
Stop hating your body and how you look. Stop judging yourself from the outside in and learn how to feel good from the inside out. Then the Divine Feminine will no longer be a mystery to you.
I believe that each woman’s own personal and unique discovery of the Divine Feminine within will benefit not only her but society as a whole.
I’m Anna-Thea, an author and Divine Feminine Educator. I help women build their feminine power so that we can live in a more balanced world and get our needs met in relationship. If you would like to find out more check out my online courses.
This article was originally published on my website at
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