Talking About Sex and Why It’s Important to Do So with Your Partner

3 min readNov 18, 2020



Talking about sex openly and with ease is important for an intimate relationship. Even sharing with others your most intimate experiences is not something we do regularly in our culture. Unfortunately, it’s all too often saved for counseling sessions and talked about it as a problem.

Sharing your sexual experiences, as long as it respects all people involved, is a way of learning from each other. Keeping your sexual experiences to yourself and well-hidden can lead to unnecessary suffering.

Have you had questions, concerns, doubts and even negative ideas about your sexuality; not knowing if what you are experiencing is normal and natural?

In this article, I want to talk about sex and why it may be difficult for you to feel more open and free about it. And the reason why this may be so.

There is no need to suffer when it comes to your sexuality, your creative life force energy. How can you shift your attitudes around sexuality to create less suffering and more celebration?

By NOT talking about sex, especially with your partner, you’ll easily make assumptions.

Assumptions like:

  • I’m doing it wrong
  • There is something wrong with me
  • He think’s I’m fat and that turns him off
  • He’ll never figure out how to pleasure me

Well of course he won’t. He’s not a mind ready. You do have to let your partner know what works and doesn’t work when it comes to pleasing you.

It’s unfortunate but often in our culture joking about sex, having shame hangovers, and repressing it is the norm. Do we as a culture think sex is a joke, shameful, and something that needs to be repressed? Yikes!

Your sexual energy, how you move around in it, how you share it, and how you focus its energy is a direct reflection of who you are. In addition, your sexual relationship with yourself or with another is a reflection of who you are.

Sexual Energy is Powerful

The majority of us have lost sight of how powerful sexual energy is. It creates a whole new human being! Do we not find ourselves fascinating enough to realize how incredibly amazing this is?

Much can be healed by shifting your attitude about sex. Your self-esteem, your relationship with your body, your interactions with your partner, and your attitudes about the opposite sex will all benefit by changing your attitudes about sex.

Unfortunately, we have been born into a world that has some turned around sexual attitudes.

When you change your attitude about sex, you’ll find talking about sex easier.

As a society, we’re still sexually repressed and in the sexual dark ages. And I’m not talking about being sexually open, free, and promiscuous. I’m referring to more awareness around the sacredness of your sexuality.

We are still in the process of freeing ourselves from the puritan influences which made sex sinful, secretive, and most of all disempowering to women.

Tantric or Sacred Sexual teachings from reputable teachers can help you undo limiting programming and belief systems regarding sex. It can also help you establish more reverence for the power you hold as a sexual being and for sexual union.

What words do you use when talking about sex, this most amazing and noble force that will create another human? Are they indicative of such a noble power?

In the first definition of the “F” word is, “to have sexual intercourse”. That is it’s official and primary meaning. It also defines its secondary meaning, and noted as a slang term, as “to treat unfairly or harshly”. How did sexual union become associated with being treated unfairly or harshly?

Let me ask you…

  • How do you talk about sex?
  • Do you talk about sex at all?
  • Do you feel comfortable talking about sex?
  • Do you have a safe place to discuss such a subject?
  • Do you feel uncomfortable asking for what you need?

Everyone is a sexual being. What can you do today to honored and celebrate your sexuality? How can you, today, make it a more positive influence in your life?

Let your sexuality be an uplifting expression of your creative life force energy!

I’m Anna-Thea, an author and Certified Divine Feminine Educator. If you want to develop a more sacred attitude about your sexuality check out my online courses.

This article was originally published on my website at:

If you’d like to see the original article please visit:




Written by Anna-Thea

Anna-Thea is an author and Divine Feminine Educator. She offers online education to awaken your divine feminine self.

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