The New Moon in Leo will be on July 31 at 8:12pm Pacific Time.
What Tifin has to say!
This New Moon sets the tone for the month ahead, emphasizing Leo themes of self-expression, confidence, and authenticity! The New Moon will be sandwiched between Venus and Mars in Leo, bringing out our feminine and masculine energies and having us find our emotional center and truth! Leo energy is dramatic, bold, creative and FUN! There is a desire to shine and be seen! This is a great time to show up fully and to drench your loved ones in acknowledgment and appreciation!
At the time of the New Moon, Mercury will be in Cancer and turning direct after 3 weeks of retrograde motion. This happens with Saturn and Pluto across the sky in Capricorn, bringing a powerful and transformative energy to our communication. Mercury in Cancer is sensitive and informed by our emotions. Pay attention to how you are feeling and communicate as clearly as you can! This is an energy that is very supportive of finding our voice and expressing our boundaries with love!
Our ideals, spirituality and dreams combined with our authentic power and authority form a base for acting on what is most true for us. Expressing ourselves creatively, from our hearts and with confidence!
Tune in to your inner world and wake up your imagination and share your heart, your truth and have fun! You are the leader of your life! Leo energy asks us to really shine!
Yes this Leo Energy is Asking You to Shine — Especially in Relationship
Set your intention with this new moon on how you want to show up in your relationships. That includes the relationship you have with you.
Tifin says the best time to set this intention is within 48 hours of the new moon. That means, since the new moon is this Thursday evening at 8:12pm PST, set your intention no later than Saturday evening 8:12pm PST.
This new moon in Leo is an opportunity to communicate and ask for what you need in relationship. The Pluto and Saturn opposite mercury are asking you to speak up! Tell your truth! Ask for what you need!
In addition, everything in this new moon in Leo chart you see below is pointing over to the house of relationship. The seventh house. See the chart and you’ll see mars, venus, the moon and the sun all in the direction of the house of relationship on the right side of the chart. It actually shows you on a visual level what’s going on.
This is a time to have a voice and not take backstage in your life. This is your time to shine and claim your divine feminine voice. Don’t be afraid. it might be challenging but know that you matter. That your needs are important. The stars and planets are aligning in your direction to give you that extra nudge to say “I matter, I am important and I can ask for what I need.” So do it! Learn to ask yourself for what you need in a new empowered way, not a needy way, by being a Divine Feminine Communicator.
And don’t forget, the core relationship you have is the relationship you have with yourself. Leo energy is about knowing how to really love yourself. It’s about living in the center of your own life. It’s about creativity and confidence too. So live at the creative center of your life. Express yourself.
Use this new moon and align yourself with the power of this Leo new moon and have some fun to come out of the background and start expressing your unique strengths, gifts, and talents.
Where is your Venus? Where is your Mars? How is this new moon specifically affecting your chart? Do you know?
If you want to find out more and are interested in a reading with either Anna-Thea or Tifin go to:
For a Reading with Anna-Thea visit:
For a Reading with Tifin visit:
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I’m Anna-Thea, an author and Divine Feminine Educator. Bottom line… this new moon in Leo energy is asking you to love yourself. Women tell me, “I need to love myself more, I just don’t know how.” I have easy to use online courses that give you the tools you need to create more fulfilling relationships. In the courses, you’ll learn all about the healing power of the divine feminine so that you can shine brightly in your life.
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