My Favorite Self-Care Strategy to Overcome “Pretty Pressure”

5 min readSep 26, 2019


Self-Care is important because Outer Beauty has a short shelf life!

My Favorite Self-Care Strategy to Overcome Beauty Pressure!


Beauty pressure is real. As you age, it’s inevitable, you’ll be faced with the loss of your outer beauty. You’ll probably even become “invisible” in our society.

It happens! That’s why really loving, nurturing and caring for yourself is so important; no matter what age, shape, size, hair type, skin color, etc you are. You’re uniquely beautiful just the way you are!

I remember when I was in my 40’s, fewer and fewer men started looking my way. I was so used to having men turn their heads all of my young adult life. It was a huge transition as I began to notice men looking at other women but, not so often anymore, at me.

That was the beginning of my initiation into a deeper sense of self-love and self-care. And freedom from beauty pressure.

Do You Capture Men’s Attention?

If you’ve been capturing men’s attention most of your life you probably won’t be free from beauty pressure until you start becoming invisible. And it’s not a negative thing. It’s a rite of passage or initiation for you. The beginning of a new freedom for you. Freed from our society’s beauty pressure.

Think of it like this. If you’re used to having men look at your beauty, you have become consciously or unconsciously, dependant on it. It has given you your sense of self. But your outer beauty is not you. It’s your shell. And ultimately don’t you want to be loved for who you are and not how you look?

When I first started becoming invisible I realized how much I was basing my worth on whether or not a complete stranger would take a second look at me. As the glances stopped and I cultivated my own sense of self, I realized how crazy that was.

The way I cultivated my own sense of self, separate from my (fading) outer beauty was to increase self-care practices. And through that I created a more intimate, loving connection with myself.

My Favorite Self-Care Practice

Aging is an important part of your soul’s process. As you age you can’t get away with not treating your body nicely. Self-care practices are important.

I now have many self-care practices –

But my favorite is taking care of my skin

Your skin is the largest organ in your body. It’s important to take care of it. I use high-quality beauty oil. My sister has a haircare company called InnerSense and they make a special oil that I absolutely love.

Click here to order

In Ayurveda, which is an ancient medical healing modality, they use oil to cleanse and nourish. It’s called abhyanga and is a form of self-massage. You can also go to spas that offer this treatment. It’s very balancing to your system and nourishing to your skin.

As we age we lose ojas which is an ayurvedic term for vigor or I think of it as your juice. Our glands aren’t as active and we can literally dry up. Using high-quality oil on your skin will keep you moist and juicy as you age. And your skin is the largest organ in your body! So not only is using oil on your whole body nourishing… it’s youthing!

I love my harmonic healing oil and using it not only on my face but for self-massage. I don’t use any fancy creams or gimmicky lotions. So many products have toxic perfumes or other unnatural substances. I just nourish myself with natural oil. And it keeps things simple.

I use this wonderful oil on my face, the tips of my hair when it’s dry, my breasts, my arms, my yoni. I’m free from beauty pressure because I’ve cultivated a “touch relationship” with my body. I believe that when you can feel yourself from the inside out, instead of seeing yourself from the outside in, the beauty pressure goes away.

Your Outer Beauty
Has a Short Shelf-Life

So just remember, your outer beauty has a short shelf-life and there is no avoiding that as you mature. Get to love and adore the inner you.

Do you feel pressured to look pretty? How much do you let it define you? Take 3.5 minutes and enjoy this inspiring video. I know you will love it. Start right now and claim your inner beauty.

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I’m Anna-Thea, an author and Divine Feminine Educator. I teach women how to reclaim their bodies as sacred. Women tell me, “I need to love myself more, I just don’t know how.” I have easy to use online courses that will give you the skills.

Click here is you want to order a bottle

This article was orginally published on my website at:

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Written by Anna-Thea

Anna-Thea is an author and Divine Feminine Educator. She offers online education to awaken your divine feminine self.

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