How To Exude Feminine Energy to Attract a Man [The Right Way]

4 min readJun 27, 2019


What are you using to attract a man?

Are you wanting to attract a good guy?

Learn the “new way” of how to exude feminine energy and you will.

What does it mean to exude feminine energy? I believe it is more of a saying than what is actually happening. So I decided to look up the word exude in the dictionary. Surprisingly here is what it said.

Dictionary Description of Exude

The dictionary describes it as “to come out gradually in drops, as sweat, through pores or small openings; ooze out.”

It made me a bit suspicious of our language. I teach women how to connect, honor and love their feminine side. Is exuding feminine energy the same thing?

Well, let’s explore the idea of how to exude feminine energy. First, let’s take the idea of your sweat (as described in the dictionary description) out of the equation.

The word exude is somewhat closely related to exuberant. And the dictionary describes exuberant as effusively and almost uninhibitedly enthusiastic; lavishly abundant. Now we are on the right track!

If you are a female you’re already exuding your feminine essence. This exuberant divine light. It is in your genes. Even if you have more masculine than feminine energy you still have access to your divine feminine essence. Don’t lose sight of that.

Why do you “trying” to exude feminine energy in the first place? Are you using it to attract a man through seduction? We need to shift our perspective of our sexuality and how we “use” it to attract a man. Then you will attract a man by opening his heart. Those are the keepers.

Must knows for how to exude feminine energy to attract a man.

  1. If you are female you already do!
  2. You don’t need to exude (sweat through your pores) to get a man
  3. Authentic feminine energy is better than agenda oriented seduction
  4. You don’t have to have sex in order to get a man’s approval.
  5. Your feminine essence will open his heart.

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How To Exude Feminine Energy: 3 Most Beneficial Ways

1. Honor Your Sexuality as Sacred

Seems like many women have sex on the first date. I ask myself if it really serves them and their full potential to respond sexually. I just feel that women are missing out on truly being honored in a way that makes their sexuality and their body open and receptive.

Having female anatomy means you hold the divine feminine within you. Men do to just you are the sacred keeper so to speak. Your divine feminine is longing to be awakened. It doesn’t awaken through quick sexual releases or exciting hookups. It comes from deep within you and your sexuality when it is honored. And when someone takes the time, interest and desire with patience to hold space for your awakening.

Also, when an element of spirituality or sacredness is contained within the sexual act. All sexual acts are sacred however when you bring more consciousness to the sacredness that is there it magnifies a million fold. Honor the force and power of your sexuality and hold it as sacred. Teach the men you are with to do the same.

2. Let Your Yoni Lead

Make your Yoni important. She isn’t a carrot that you need to dangle in front of a man in exchange for acceptance or possibly even security or any other material benefits he might offer. Your Yoni is sacred. But most importantly she is the well of life.

How to exude feminine energy the new way is to let her take the lead. What I mean by that is get in touch with her and make sure “her” needs are being met. Too many women settle for intercourse when touching, loving, cuddling and other sexual foreplay would be what they would prefer. Going “all the way” isn’t absolutely necessary unless your Yoni truely says YES with no hesitation or negative repercussions afterward. Honor that.

3. COME From A Full Place

Don’t be needy. Everyone is looking for “the one.” You know, Mr. Knight in shining armor who is going to come and save you. I know you probably don’t consciously think that but still, that is a part of us. The part that wants our lover to sweep us up and take us away to paradise.

If that idealism is too strong in your thinking it’ll get you in trouble. Healthy relationships will be hard to create. Coming from a full place means you love yourself and know exactly how you take care of yourself emotionally. You know how to set healthy boundaries for yourself. So the fullness that you are experiencing is the feminine essence that you are exuding. That’s very attractive to a man’s heart.

Knowing how to exude feminine energy in a different way will empower you. Honor your sexuality, get deeply connected to the wants, needs, and desires of your Yoni and fill yourself up instead of looking for a man to do that for you. Let go of what your mother taught you or the messages you get from romance novels, movies or magazines. Be you! Open your heart, honor yourself and the right man will come your way.

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I’m Anna-Thea an author and Divine Feminine Educator. If you’d like to learn more about using your feminine energy in a way that leads to better, more fulfilling relationships check out my online courses.

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Written by Anna-Thea

Anna-Thea is an author and Divine Feminine Educator. She offers online education to awaken your divine feminine self.

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