Symptoms women experience regarding female sexuality with age, are similar symptoms all women experience to varying degrees. Female sexuality with age is an interesting subject. We need to stop thinking of sex as just sexy.
The view our culture has about sex is limited. And more limited regarding female sexuality. But even more limited regarding female sexuality with age. Our culture is youth and beauty oriented.
Aging is a natural and normal process.
Everyone does it if they live long enough! But regarding female sexuality with age…. we are comparing our sexuality to that of a young woman. Young women’s sexuality is more biologically based. It’s in our genes to reproduce. A young woman’s biological functions are ruling her sexuality.
Female sexuality with age gives a woman freedom from this overbearing biological urge to merge and reproduce. Female sexuality with age and a woman’s libido don’t go away. Just the urge goes away. When a woman is no longer “controlled” by this biological longing she has greater mobility to cultivate her sexuality. That’s if she takes the time, energy and effort to do so.
She can “keep it alive” through sensual practices. The jade egg practice is also extremely helpful in keeping a woman’s reproductive organs healthy. I have used this practice for over 12 years and it has been a powerful tool for me to have greater awareness of my female parts.
Here are the common symptoms of female sexuality with age. Let’s compare these to younger women.
- Low or no libido
- Pain on intercourse
- Lack of lubrication
- Difficulty having orgasm
Let’s compare these to younger women. My intention is to give female sexuality with age a new perspective.
Female Sexuality With Age And Low Or No Libido
Recently I talked with a young woman (early 30’s) at a women’s circle. She shared with me how she was suffering from low libido. I don’t believe low libido is just a “female sexuality with age” issue. Young ladies are also experiencing this. I believe it’s a chronic problem. Women’s sexual needs aren’t being met. Are we making our partner’s needs more important than our own?
Yes, older women can find themselves no longer interested in sex as they age however if their sexual needs are addressed they readily respond. All women do, no matter what age.
Besides, who is to define what your libido should be like? Female sexuality with age requires us to shift our focus and adopt new ideas of what sexual energy is. For me, it’s spiritual energy. The loss of libido is only a loss if you compare it to the urge you had when you were younger. Libido needs a new lens as women age.
Sexuality, as you age, isn’t for reproduction. It’s for vitality. Taking good care of yourself as an aging woman is a big part of your overall sexual health.
Pain On Intercourse
Again, if you talk with young women of all ages who are sexually active they’ll share that they have experienced pain during intercourse. What is going on?
Pain on intercourse can be because you aren’t ready to receive. You haven’t been given the time to respond and open. I mean… you are the innie. You are the one receiving. Are you ready? Maybe you’re dealing with a selfish lover? Are you asking for what you need?
My point is that the symptoms women experience regarding female sexuality with age, are the same symptoms all women experience. It goes back to the cultural belief that women’s sexual needs aren’t important. And the only way we can make our sexual needs important is to reclaim our bodies.
Lack Of Lubrication
Younger women inherently are going to have an easier time with lubrication, however, I would like to make a point. When a woman’s Yoni (the yogic term for vagina) is honored it opens up like a flower and even like a fountain. And no matter what age.
Dry Yonis are often the result of an unhonored and neglected Yoni. Yes, hormones play a big role however emotions can’t be separated out from a woman’s hormonal health. With pornography usage at an all-time high and growing, I don’t see how Yonis can even be moist to start with. I have been told pornography is becoming more conscious. Still, the vast majority of porn depicts women in demeaning situations.
Women’s lack of lubrication can happen readily and easily if a woman doesn’t feel right about the sexual situation. Her juiciness is intricately related to her emotions.
None the less female sexuality with age can present lubrication issues. But younger women can also experience lack of lubrication. If a woman’s sexual environment isn’t supportive of her needs she won’t get moist.
Difficulty Having Orgasm
Many women have a “hard time” climaxing. This is very common. The problem is we’ve compared our sexuality to that of men. We ‘ve tried to fit our sexuality to fit and match men’s sexual needs. This is absolutely crazy! No wonder there are dry and unorgasmic women! Women’s sexuality is completely different than men’s. No matter what age.
Orgasms are an absolutely wonderful thing however you could be missing out on a lot if you are making orgasm your ultimate goal during sex. Orgasms can even be addictive!
If you’re having a hard time with orgasm it’s because you’re not getting the right kind of stimulation. What’s the right kind? It’s the right kind for YOU. And that is very specific for each woman.
The later years of a woman’s life is a wonderful time to be sexual. She doesn’t have to worry about pregnancy. Probably, she knows herself better than when she was younger. She no longer is controlled by “the pretty pressure.” And she is probably more willing to slow down and enjoy herself.
As women age, they do need to take care of their sexuality and nurture it. If you don’t use it you lose it. But women of all ages experience these challenges. We need to free ourselves from the lies we’ve been told and create a juicy sensual life for ourselves no matter what age we are.
Having A Whole New Perspective
Think of it this way. Our sexuality ripens with age. If you’re an older woman and think nothing is working the way it used to. Maybe that’s because it’s supposed to work in a different way. In other words, it still works. Your sexual energy is still there. It’s up to you to find the new way it works. And what you will discover is more vitality. I believe female sexuality with age is to be our vitality.
Female sexuality with age is a whole new sexuality defined outside the realm of what we know sexuality to be. Think of your sexuality now as a spiritual motor to access divine realms. This is sexuality beyond the norm of having sex, having babies, dying and doing it all over again, and again and again. Imagine female sexuality with age giving us an opportunity to break free from the karmic cycle of death and rebirth and instead spiritually ascend. That is my dream.
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I’m Anna-Thea, an author, and Divine Feminine Educator. If you want to learn how to stay more juicy and sensual as you age self-love and having a more loving relationship with your whole body is a big part of it. I am dedicated to teaching you how to reclaim your body as sacred no matter what age. Please check out my online school The Art of Self-Love & Emotional Empowerment.
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