5 Powerful Ways The Jade Egg Will Change Your Life

9 min readJul 31, 2018


The jade egg and the jade egg practice is one of the most powerful feminine tools available to women. It is a wonderful tool to help women become more familiar with and connected to their female anatomy. I call this Yoni Awareness. I’ll discuss the word Yoni below.

The benefits of using the jade egg can range from completely physical to spiritual and energetic, depending on how you use the jade egg.

The jade egg offers many benefits. Especially when you commit to doing deeper jade egg practices. This article introduces you to the jade egg and discusses how, using it, will enhance your life.

The jade egg is to be placed inside your vagina. Originally the jade egg practice was used by courtesans in ancient China. They were considered Taoist sexual practices for women to keep their sexuality and female anatomy resilient for the Emperor. This is ancient eastern wisdom that is now available to you.

I originally was introduced to the jade egg practice by Saida Desilet over 12 years ago. She was one of my teachers when I was doing my Spiritual Sexual Educator certification with the Divine Feminine Institute. I have used the egg ever since she introduced me to it. Jade Egg wisdom has changed my life and I want the same for you.

The Word Yoni in Regards to the Jade Egg

Before I go any further, I would like to introduce you to a word. It may or may not be new to you. This word is important for every woman to know. The word is Yoni. When I refer to a woman’s genitalia I most always use the word Yoni. The Jade Egg is also called the Yoni Egg.

Yoni, translated from Sanskrit means “Sacred Space.” This word is absolutely lovely! It’s neither nasty nor clinical. It sounds normal, natural and most of all the definition of it is honoring to a woman’s genitalia.

This word can be spoken publicly without a negative connotation attached to it, quite the contrary, especially if the meaning is known. I would like to encourage you to use the word Yoni when referring to your female parts. Simply making this one change will help you to honor and love your feminine side.

Over the years of using my Yoni Egg, I have found some powerful things it has done for me.

I would like to share with you 5 benefits from using the Jade Egg.

1. Changes Your Relationship with Your Female Parts

The most wonderful thing I love about having my yoni egg is that she helps me to have a deeper relationship with my female anatomy. Women hold the mysteries and all too often, we hold the mysteries from ourselves.

Women are the Innies

Men are the “outies”, we are the “innies.” A man has his anatomy right there, “sticking out” and it is easy for him to be tuned into that part of his body. For women, it is different. Since we are the “innies”, not as much is “sticking out.” Your Yoni isn’t as readily available to pay attention to. Your egg will help you to pay attention to her. That is what she likes, care and attention.

I have used a Yoni Egg for over 12 years. “She” has been my Yoni’s most long-standing intimate friend over the span of having gone through three intimate relationships and menopause. I have used not only the jade egg but also the rose quartz egg.

The rose quartz is my preference. Though some say it is recommended to start with the traditional jade egg. It is a matter of personal preference. Also, it depends on what crystal qualities you are wanting to work with as I will discuss later.

What I love about my Yoni Egg is that she lets me know what is going on with me and my feminine parts. Sometimes my egg wants to wear her and sometimes she doesn’t. Sometimes she stays in longer than other times.

The Yoni Egg and Your Menstrual Cycle

When I was a cycling woman, my Yoni didn’t want to have the egg in right before my period. It was wonderful to observe and honor that. My Yoni also changed when I was going through menopause. I noticed considerably how she didn’t want to wear the egg as much during that time.

I even had a period where my Yoni didn’t want to wear the egg at all and now she wants to wear her often. Overall my Yoni is so much happier when I am actively using my egg.

Besides wearing the crystal egg you can do deeper practices with the egg. I love when I take the time to do these practices. I cultivate more energy and awareness to that part of my body.

What has happened in working with my yoni egg is that I have a lot more vaginal muscle dexterity.

Not only has my vaginal muscle awareness increased by using the yoni egg, my awareness of subtle and even spiritual energies in my Yoni have been awakened.

This is a profound experience I would like all women to experience.

Working with the jade egg or rose quartz egg is a powerful way to change the relationship you have with your female parts.

2. The Jade Egg & Rose Quartz Egg Have Healing Properties

Not only will your relationship with your Yoni change, the crystal eggs hold certain healing and energetic cleansing and purifying properties. If you have not worked with crystals I would highly recommend considering more ways you can use crystals to connect to your divine feminine energy.

For me, crystals are truly magical. I use them not only for enhancing my feminine health but also for protection. My car has a crystal in it to keep me safe when I drive. I have crystals in my house and garden.

This is part of the “unseen” powers that you can tap into if you would like to awaken your divine feminine nature. The book Love Is In The Earth goes into more detail about this.

When you work with the jade or rose quartz egg and place it into your vagina what you are doing is putting healing properties into a part of your body that has held cultural shame. Working with the egg helps you to clear this energy that literally weighs your consciousness down keeping you from your full potential.

I always recommend placing your yoni egg in with an intention or prayer. In this way, you are working with your egg spiritually and not just physically. This will awaken the more respectful, reverent and spiritual side of your sexuality.

Both the jade egg and the rose quartz egg have amazing healing properties.

The jade stone has what I would call more masculine energies or qualities and the rose quartz stone has more feminine qualities.

Qualities of Jade

Jade is called the “Dream Stone.” It is considered the stone of longevity, health, and well-being. Jade transmutes negativity and instills resourcefulness. It helps you to balance the needs of self with the needs of others. It instills confidence and self-reliance. These are powerful qualities! Imagine these qualities emanating from the core of your being.

The beauty of the jade egg is you are putting a masculine energy into the most feminine part of you. On an energetic level, there is a magical marriage of the masculine and feminine happening in that part of your body. Something to think about!

Qualities of Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is known as a “stone of gentle love.” It emits a calming energy, gently removing negativity and supporting the gentle forces of self-love. It brings calmness and clarity to emotions. The energy is soft and silky, cultivating a sense gentleness for those that use it. It helps to bring peacefulness and calm to relationships.

Did you know the hips can hold fear? In sexual reflexology (relating different parts of the vagina to different organs and emotions) it is known the opening to the vagina can hold fear.

If you have ever had a fearful or negative sexual experience, chances are, you were left with emotional imprints in your Yoni and in your psyche. Imagine putting such a soft, loving healing energy into that part of you. These eggs, when worked with lovingly and consciously, can be very transformative for you.

3. The Yoni Egg Increases the Connection to Your Femininity

Because working with the egg connects you to your female parts it will automatically get you connected to your femininity. It is all up to you how much you take advantage of the jade egg practice to help you connect to the deeper parts of your femininity.

When I refer to your femininity; I am referring to your receptivity, your divine feminine nature and your ability to nurture yourself. If you treat the egg like a tampon with little regard for the subtle energies your jade egg is awakening in you; you will miss out on the increased connection to your femininity that is possible.

Learning to Slow Down

Part of learning the jade egg practices is learning how to SLOW DOWN. We live in such a masculine-oriented, fast-paced, focused, “get it done” type world. Yoni’s don’t respond well to this type of energy.

The magic of the jade egg practices is it supports you slowing down, taking time for yourself and your Yoni, going into your inner world and cultivating your subtle energy body. These are all feminine qualities.

The Pointer Sisters famous song states a woman wants a man with a slow hand. Your Yoni craves slow energy too. The reason why is because the Yoni loves when her lover is present with her. Then she opens like a beautiful flower. This is the ultimate of connecting deeper to your femininity.

4. The Yoni Egg Brings Youth to Your Face!

Apparently, the internal tone of your vaginal walls is directly related to the collagen production and tone of your face. Can you believe it!

Though I haven’t found any medical proof, YET, to substantiate this statement, it is a motivator for me to keep doing my Yoni Yoga! With all the benefits the jade egg practice already provides, if in addition, it helps me to maintain a youthful face, I am all for it. I don’t need scientific proof.

My teacher is in her 40’s. She has been deeply dedicated to the jade egg practices for many years. She looks absolutely radiant. People have told me I look younger than my age too. I know yoga and Yoni Yoga has definitely kept me looking younger than I otherwise would look.

Naomi Wolf, a Yale graduate and former political advisor to Al Gore and Bill Clinton, wrote in her book titled “Vagina” about the direct connection of the vagina to the brain and even to women’s confidence.

The face is not that far off. The radiance of your face could very well be connected to the health and vitality of your vaginal walls.

5. The Yoni Egg Increases Orgasmic Response

The last wonderful way the jade egg will change your life is that it definitely increases orgasmic pleasure.

This is extremely important for women. Having an orgasm is challenging for many women. Shame is common in this area of the body. The resulting experience of orgasm is what I refer to as a “genital hiccup.”

It is time for you and all women to actualize your pleasure potential. Experiencing more pleasure is the path to empowerment for every woman.

Your Pelvic Floor Muscles and Pelvic Floor Health

The bottom of the body is often referred to as the pelvic floor. The truth is, the bottom of your body is nowhere near flat like a floor. The bottom of your body is more like a hammock type configuration of musculature that holds your internal organs in, including your sex organs. With that said, having pelvic floor health is really important.

Your pelvic muscles play a huge role in your body’s overall structural support. Just like a house needs a foundation, your body needs a strong foundation too. This keeps you feeling stable, centered and relaxed. If you would like to find out more about what is pelvic floor health Dr. Christian Northrup has much to say.

More Orgasmic Pleasure!

The best part is these muscles are the muscles that contract when you have an orgasm. Using the jade egg or crystal egg increases the strength and tone of the muscles directly involved in orgasmic contractions. What this means to you, is way more pleasure! Simply wearing the egg will strengthen the muscles, however, doing the practices will enhance your pleasure even more.

I call these hammock shaped muscles your love muscles. Therefore, you become an amazing, heart-centered, authentically empowered and sensually alive woman when these muscles are relaxed, toned and free from shame.

Remember, your female anatomy is your Yoni or your sacred space. Learn how to take good care of this area of your body. Change the type of relationship you have with “her.” Give her healing energy. Strengthen her so that you can experience more pleasure. And who knows, all the while, become younger looking because of it.

I’m Anna-Thea, an author, and Divine Feminine Educator. If you enjoyed this article and would like to learn more check out my free jade egg class and my other online courses.

If you would like to purchase a jade or rose quartz egg go www.annathea.org/products

The article was originally published on my website at https://annathea.org/

To see the original article go to: https://annathea.org/5-powerful-ways-the-jade-egg-will-change-your-life




Written by Anna-Thea

Anna-Thea is an author and Divine Feminine Educator. She offers online education to awaken your divine feminine self.

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