3 Keys to Stop Obsessing about Food, Your Body and Relationships
Do you suffer from poor body image?
Are you tired of having food issues, body image issues and/or relationship/sexual/intimacy issues?
Poor body image is at a crisis level in our society. Sexuality in our world has become distorted. Food has become less sacred. Learn to empower Yourself by Loving Your Body. And loving your feminine side too!
It takes 21 days to change a habit. What can you do in the next 21 days to change your relationship with food, your body and even your sexuality?
How I personally Suffered From Poor Body Image
I’m passionate about this subject because I have, for many years, suffered from issues around food and having a poor body image. It has impacted my ability to be intimate. I never thought I would be able to shift my attitude about and relationship with food or my body. I thought I would suffer from this obsession all my life. And it was painful. But then I learned how to really take care of myself emotionally and everything changed.
I learned ultimately how to make love to food instead of having a love/hate relationship with it. I also learned how to change how I felt about my body and how to enhance my relationship with it. I discover tools to put more love into my relationship with food, my body, and my sexuality.
I Learned To Take Care of Myself Emotionally
I also suffered from not being able to manage my emotions productively and speak my truth clearly and confidently. Taking care of myself emotionally was something I never learned to do. Do you experience the same dilemma? I call this emotional dyslexia. When you have challenges or even conflict in your intimate relationships you easily get confused about the situation. You are unable to speak from a place of clarity and confidence and you can easily feel manipulated by others. Does this sound familiar? And maybe you then turn to food instead of feeling your emotions.
It doesn’t have to be this way! There are tools to help you center yourself in your feminine confidence and create a better understanding of how to let conflict create connection instead of drama. It’s all about knowing how to take care of your body and your emotions. Changing the relationship you have with them.
My dream and vision is for us as men and women to become each other’s healers instead of each other’s “wounders.” You can experience more intimacy, pleasure, and fulfilling relationships if you’re willing to create a deeper more fulfilling relationship with yourself. Are you willing to learn the tools to cultivate that?
Overcome Food Issues by Feeling Your Feelings
Imagine feeling empowered simply by knowing how to speak from your heart. Speaking from your heart, using my Heart Talk model, connects you to your needs and feelings. This’ll prevent you from becoming a victim of the insanity your mind can create that often results in relationship drama. This new way of being in relationship will give your heart a voice. And all you need to do is learn how to feel your feelings in a new and productive way. It’ll allow you to transform your emotions into aliveness in your body and connection in your relationships.
Changing Your View About Sexuality Heals Food Issues
For women to free themselves from food issues it’s all about getting connected to the sensual part of your sexuality. You need to develop a different attitude about their sexuality and your female anatomy. It’s really about getting to the feminine root of your food issues as it relates to your normal need and desire to experience safe, sane, sensual pleasure. This is how we make profound shifts in our intimate relationships and create more pleasure in our lives.
3 Keys to free yourself from Food and Having a Poor Body Image involves
Getting the knowledge, wisdom and know how to put more love into:
Your Food
Your Body
And Your Sexuality
That’s it!
My Book “Empower Yourself by Loving Your Body — The woman’s guide to reclaiming yourself as sacred.” is packed with the knowledge, wisdom and know how to get you started.
Here are some things my book teaches you:
- How to create the DESIRE to eat healthy instead of HAVING to
- Ways to manage emotional eating.
- Simple and nurturing ways to overcome poor body image.
- How to speak to be heard and understood instead of repressing your emotions.
- Deep appreciation of your body, no matter what size or shape.
- The sacredness of your female body and your sexuality.
- Immediately usable tools to change your relationship with your body.
- And more!
Having a poor body image is a painful way to live. Your body is your temple. It’s important to learn to love it. I can show you how.
I’m Anna-Thea, an author and Divine Feminine Educator. If this article resonated with you then check out my online courses and my book to learn more.
Much Love! Anna-Thea
This article was originally published at https://annathea.org/
If you would like to see the original article please visit: https://annathea.org/tired-obsessing-food-body-relationships